We found out that our baby is in transverse (crossway) position in week34-35 with Dr.Bev Hewitt (ultrasound scan specialist). The report was then forwarded to my obstetrician Dr Adam Gubbay. Adam wasn't too concern at this stage as baby may still turn head down.
However if baby remains in the same position in week 37, then I will have to proceed for a C-Sec. He is unable to turn baby using a technique called 'External Cephalic Version' (ECV) because baby is not in exact breech position. It is also risky in my condition because my placenta is laying low right side of my pelvis. If he were to turn baby, placenta might move down to cervix causing "placenta previa". Adam also mentioned because it is the first child/pregnancy, my muscles are still tight, not much room to turn baby, I'd personally say "virgin: too tight"? haha :)
Now week 37-38 my baby is still in transverse position (we reckon he just loves being in this position!). Baby's feet is right on top of my cervix and we could also see the cord around his feet. This is dangerous because IF my water breaks, the cord might come out first and that would terminate oxygen for the baby. This is why I need to be in the hospital a week before my scheduled C-Sec for observation and safety.
So here I am... at St.John of God Hospital Subiaco 5-Dec'08, Friday evening... and bloody bored feeling isolated in a room with only the TV,laptop and books to keep me occupy.
my belly not so round... it looks more like a jantung (heart organ) shape. Baby's head laying upper right (just below my right ribs),spine curving upper left, bottom lower left, feet & cord on top of cervix
Hubby relaxing during my stay in the hospital